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Tend To You Yoga - VIRTUAL

100% of proceeds for this class will be donated to Tend To You, a non-profit that curates care packages for cancer patients. This 60 min class will consist of vinyasa physical asana, pranayama (breathwork), and guided meditation.

All levels welcome!

The theme of this class is Rinse and Twist which will include practices that tap into the manipura (solar plexus) chakra. Many of the physical shapes will be gentle twists to stimulate the digestive system and cleanse the abdominal organs. Working with this chakra may also increase confidence, inner power and purpose.

We hope to see you there!

To receive this class's zoom link donate any sum large or small to Tend to You inc.

All donations can be sent to our Paypal ( OR Venmo (tendtoyoudonations)

March 27

Yoga at The Pharm 03/27

April 3

Yoga @ Kindred Stone & Co 04/03